Electrodes for cast iron
Elektródy na liatinu

Elektródy na liatinu sú špeciálne navrhnuté zváracie elektródy určené na zváranie liatiny a jej zliatin. Liatina je materiál s vysokým obsahom uhlíka, ktorý má špecifické vlastnosti, ako je krehkosť a odolnosť voči opotrebeniu. Zváranie liatiny predstavuje výzvy, ktoré si vyžadujú špeciálne prístupy a techniky, aby sa dosiahli kvalitné a spoľahlivé zvary. Elektródy na liatinu sú navrhnuté tak, aby tieto výzvy prekonali a zabezpečili optimálny výsledok.

Charakteristika a zloženie: Elektródy na liatinu majú jadro vyrobené zo špecifických zliatin, ktoré zaisťujú kompatibilitu s vlastnosťami liatiny. Bežne používané materiály sú nikel, nikel-železo, meď a železo. Nikel a jeho zliatiny sú preferované kvôli svojej schopnosti redukovať tvorbu prasklín a zabezpečiť kvalitné zvary. Povlak elektród je formulovaný tak, aby zlepšoval stabilitu oblúka, redukoval tvorbu pór a prasklín a zabezpečil dobrú zmáčavosť. Povlaky často obsahujú prísady, ktoré zlepšujú tekutosť a kvalitu zvarového kovu.

Mechanické vlastnosti: Zvary vytvorené pomocou elektród na liatinu majú vysokú pevnosť a húževnatosť, čo je dôležité pre odolnosť voči mechanickému namáhaniu. Minimalizujú riziko vzniku prasklín, čo je bežný problém pri zváraní liatiny kvôli jej vysokému obsahu uhlíka.

Aplikácie: Elektródy na liatinu sa často používajú na opravy a údržbu liatinových komponentov, ako sú strojové diely, potrubia, motory a zariadenia. Používajú sa pri výrobe nových liatinových dielov, kde je potrebné spojiť liatinové časti alebo opraviť defekty vzniknuté počas výrobného procesu.

Technické výzvy a riešenia: Liatina má vysoký obsah uhlíka, čo spôsobuje, že je krehká a náchylná na praskanie pri rýchlych tepelných cykloch. Elektródy na liatinu sú navrhnuté tak, aby tento problém minimalizovali, často použitím niklových zliatin, ktoré sú menej náchylné na praskanie. Počas zvárania liatiny môže dôjsť k segregácii grafitu, čo môže ovplyvniť kvalitu zvaru. Špeciálne povlaky na elektródach pomáhajú kontrolovať tvorbu grafitu a zlepšujú metalurgickú kvalitu zvaru. Liatina má nízku tepelnú vodivosť, čo môže viesť k vysokému teplotnému napätiu v zvarovej oblasti. Použitie správnych zváracích techník a elektród s vhodnými vlastnosťami pomáha kontrolovať teplotné napätie a znižovať riziko praskania.

Skladovanie a manipulácia: Elektródy na liatinu by mali byť skladované v suchom a čistom prostredí, aby sa zabránilo kontaminácii a degradácii ich vlastností. Je dôležité ich chrániť pred vlhkosťou, pretože absorbcia vlhkosti môže ovplyvniť kvalitu zvárania. Elektródy by mali byť skladované pri kontrolovanej teplote a vlhkosti, aby sa zabezpečila ich optimálna výkonnosť pri zváraní.

Príklady a typy elektród na liatinu

Niklové elektródy: Obsahujú vysoký podiel niklu, poskytujú vysokú pevnosť a húževnatosť zvarov, minimalizujú praskanie a sú vhodné pre zváranie väčšiny typov liatiny. Meď-niklové elektródy: Vhodné pre zváranie liatinových dielov, ktoré budú vystavené korózii a tepelnému namáhaniu. Poskytujú dobrú zmáčavosť a kvalitné zvary. Železo-niklové elektródy: Kombinujú pevnosť železa a odolnosť niklu voči praskaniu, vhodné pre zváranie liatinových dielov, kde je požadovaná vysoká mechanická pevnosť.

Elektródy na liatinu sú nevyhnutné pre aplikácie, kde je dôležitá kombinácia pevnosti, húževnatosti a odolnosti voči praskaniu. Ich správne použitie a skladovanie umožňuje dosiahnuť zvary s vynikajúcimi mechanickými vlastnosťami, čo je kľúčové pre moderné priemyselné aplikácie.

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Variant product
Available in 10 variants
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,0x250mm/3,6kg/386ks (53435)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,0x250mm/3,6kg/386ks (53435)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,0x250mm/3,6kg/386ks (53435)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,0x250mm/3,6kg/386ks (53435)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 2,0x250/3,6
Availability: To order
Product Price: 121,22 € without TAX
145,46 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/1.2kg (75664) Dry System 15Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/1,2kg (75664) Dry System 15
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/1.2kg (75664) Dry System 15
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/1.2kg (75664) Dry System 15
SKU: UTP 068 HH 2,5x300/1,2
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 72,16 € without TAX
86,59 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/3,9kgElektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/3,9kg
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/3,9kg
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/3,9kg
SKU: UTP 068 HH 2,5x300/3,9
Availability: To order
Product Price: 88,77 € without TAX
106,52 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/4kgElektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/4kg
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/4kg
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/4kg
SKU: UTP 068 HH 2,5x300/4,0
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 88,77 € without TAX
106,52 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/4kg/220ks (70079)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/4kg/220ks (70079)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/4kg/220ks (70079)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/4kg/220ks (70079)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 2,5x300/4
Availability: To order
Product Price: 84,80 € without TAX
101,76 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1kg/36pcs (82626)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/1kg/36ks (82626)
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1kg/36pcs (82626)
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1kg/36pcs (82626)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 3,2x300/1
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 103,56 € without TAX
124,27 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/4,2kg/150ks (63945)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/4,2kg/150ks (63945)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/4,2kg/150ks (63945)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/4,2kg/150ks (63945)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 3,2x300/4,2
Availability: To order
Product Price: 82,60 € without TAX
99,12 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 4.0x350mm/5.2kg/106pcs (52937)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 4,0x350mm/5,2kg/106ks (52937)
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 4.0x350mm/5.2kg/106pcs (52937)
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 4.0x350mm/5.2kg/106pcs (52937)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 4,0x350/5,2
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 93,60 € without TAX
112,32 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 5,0x400mm/6kg/70ks (52939)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 5,0x400mm/6kg/70ks (52939)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 5,0x400mm/6kg/70ks (52939)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 5,0x400mm/6kg/70ks (52939)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 5,0x400/6
Availability: To order
Product Price: 91,97 € without TAX
110,36 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1.2kg Dry System 15 (75665)

Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1.2kg Dry System 15 (75665)

In Stock: 3
Usually ships in: Stock
71,53 € without TAX
85,84 € incl. tax
Variant product
Available in 10 variants
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,0x250mm/3,6kg/386ks (53435)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,0x250mm/3,6kg/386ks (53435)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,0x250mm/3,6kg/386ks (53435)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,0x250mm/3,6kg/386ks (53435)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 2,0x250/3,6
Availability: To order
Product Price: 121,22 € without TAX
145,46 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/3,9kgElektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/3,9kg
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/3,9kg
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/3,9kg
SKU: UTP 068 HH 2,5x300/3,9
Availability: To order
Product Price: 88,77 € without TAX
106,52 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/4kgElektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/4kg
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/4kg
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/4kg
SKU: UTP 068 HH 2,5x300/4,0
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 88,77 € without TAX
106,52 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/4kg/220ks (70079)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/4kg/220ks (70079)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/4kg/220ks (70079)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/4kg/220ks (70079)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 2,5x300/4
Availability: To order
Product Price: 84,80 € without TAX
101,76 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1kg/36pcs (82626)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/1kg/36ks (82626)
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1kg/36pcs (82626)
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1kg/36pcs (82626)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 3,2x300/1
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 103,56 € without TAX
124,27 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/4,2kg/150ks (63945)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/4,2kg/150ks (63945)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/4,2kg/150ks (63945)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/4,2kg/150ks (63945)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 3,2x300/4,2
Availability: To order
Product Price: 82,60 € without TAX
99,12 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 4.0x350mm/5.2kg/106pcs (52937)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 4,0x350mm/5,2kg/106ks (52937)
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 4.0x350mm/5.2kg/106pcs (52937)
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 4.0x350mm/5.2kg/106pcs (52937)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 4,0x350/5,2
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 93,60 € without TAX
112,32 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 5,0x400mm/6kg/70ks (52939)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 5,0x400mm/6kg/70ks (52939)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 5,0x400mm/6kg/70ks (52939)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 5,0x400mm/6kg/70ks (52939)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 5,0x400/6
Availability: To order
Product Price: 91,97 € without TAX
110,36 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1.2kg Dry System 15 (75665)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/1,2kg Dry System 15 (75665)
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1.2kg Dry System 15 (75665)
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1.2kg Dry System 15 (75665)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 3,2x300/1,2
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 71,53 € without TAX
85,84 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/1.2kg (75664) Dry System 15

Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/1.2kg (75664) Dry System 15

In Stock: 3
Usually ships in: Stock
72,16 € without TAX
86,59 € incl. tax
Variant product
Available in 5 variants
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 2,5x300mm/4,5kg/255ks (14901) (CAST NiFe)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 2,5x300mm/4,5kg/255ks (14901) (CAST NiFe)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 2,5x300mm/4,5kg/255ks (14901) (CAST NiFe)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 2,5x300mm/4,5kg/255ks (14901) (CAST NiFe)
SKU: UTP 86 FN 2,5x300/4,5
Availability: To order
Product Price: 76,52 € without TAX
91,82 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 3,2x350mm/5,6kg/174ks (14902) (CAST NiFe)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 3,2x350mm/5,6kg/174ks (14902) (CAST NiFe)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 3,2x350mm/5,6kg/174ks (14902) (CAST NiFe)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 3,2x350mm/5,6kg/174ks (14902) (CAST NiFe)
SKU: UTP 86 FN 3,2x350/5,6
Availability: To order
Product Price: 75,99 € without TAX
91,19 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 4,0x350mm/5,2kg/ 105ks (54163) (CAST NiFe)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 4,0x350mm/5,2kg/ 105ks (54163) (CAST NiFe)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 4,0x350mm/5,2kg/ 105ks (54163) (CAST NiFe)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 4,0x350mm/5,2kg/ 105ks (54163) (CAST NiFe)
SKU: UTP 86 FN 4,0x350/5,2
Availability: To order
Product Price: 73,95 € without TAX
88,74 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 86 FN 3.2x350mm/1.3kg (49398) Dry System15 (Cast NiFe)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 3,2x350mm/1,3kg (49398) Dry System15 (Cast NiFe)
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 86 FN 3.2x350mm/1.3kg (49398) Dry System15 (Cast NiFe)
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 86 FN 3.2x350mm/1.3kg (49398) Dry System15 (Cast NiFe)
SKU: UTP 86FN 3,2x350/1,3
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 76,45 € without TAX
91,74 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 86 FN 2.5x300mm/1.2kg Dry System15 (Cast NiFe) 49382

Electrodes BOHLER UTP 86 FN 2.5x300mm/1.2kg Dry System15 (Cast NiFe) 49382

In Stock: 28
Usually ships in: Stock
76,45 € without TAX
91,74 € incl. tax
Variant product
Available in 5 variants
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 2,5x300mm/4,5kg/255ks (14901) (CAST NiFe)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 2,5x300mm/4,5kg/255ks (14901) (CAST NiFe)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 2,5x300mm/4,5kg/255ks (14901) (CAST NiFe)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 2,5x300mm/4,5kg/255ks (14901) (CAST NiFe)
SKU: UTP 86 FN 2,5x300/4,5
Availability: To order
Product Price: 76,52 € without TAX
91,82 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 3,2x350mm/5,6kg/174ks (14902) (CAST NiFe)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 3,2x350mm/5,6kg/174ks (14902) (CAST NiFe)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 3,2x350mm/5,6kg/174ks (14902) (CAST NiFe)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 3,2x350mm/5,6kg/174ks (14902) (CAST NiFe)
SKU: UTP 86 FN 3,2x350/5,6
Availability: To order
Product Price: 75,99 € without TAX
91,19 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 4,0x350mm/5,2kg/ 105ks (54163) (CAST NiFe)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 4,0x350mm/5,2kg/ 105ks (54163) (CAST NiFe)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 4,0x350mm/5,2kg/ 105ks (54163) (CAST NiFe)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 4,0x350mm/5,2kg/ 105ks (54163) (CAST NiFe)
SKU: UTP 86 FN 4,0x350/5,2
Availability: To order
Product Price: 73,95 € without TAX
88,74 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 86 FN 2.5x300mm/1.2kg Dry System15 (Cast NiFe) 49382Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 2,5x300mm/1,2kg Dry System15 (Cast NiFe) 49382
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 86 FN 2.5x300mm/1.2kg Dry System15 (Cast NiFe) 49382
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 86 FN 2.5x300mm/1.2kg Dry System15 (Cast NiFe) 49382
SKU: UTP 86FN 2,5x300/1,2
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 76,45 € without TAX
91,74 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 86 FN 3.2x350mm/1.3kg (49398) Dry System15 (Cast NiFe)

Electrodes BOHLER UTP 86 FN 3.2x350mm/1.3kg (49398) Dry System15 (Cast NiFe)

In Stock: 7
Usually ships in: Stock
76,45 € without TAX
91,74 € incl. tax
Variant product
Available in 4 variants
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 8 2,5x300mm /4,7kg/268ks (Cast Ni) (37500)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 8 2,5x300mm /4,7kg/268ks (Cast Ni) (37500)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 8 2,5x300mm /4,7kg/268ks (Cast Ni) (37500)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 8 2,5x300mm /4,7kg/268ks (Cast Ni) (37500)
SKU: UTP 8 2,5x300/4,7
Availability: To order
Product Price: 88,75 € without TAX
106,50 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 8 3.2x350mm/5.5kg/166pcs (Cast Ni) (37501)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 8 3,2x350mm/5,5kg/166ks (Cast Ni) (37501)
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 8 3.2x350mm/5.5kg/166pcs (Cast Ni) (37501)
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 8 3.2x350mm/5.5kg/166pcs (Cast Ni) (37501)
SKU: UTP 8 3,2x350/5,5
Availability: To order
Product Price: 80,20 € without TAX
96,24 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 8 2.5x300mm/1.2kg/69pcs Dry System15 (Cast Ni) 49366Elektródy BOHLER UTP 8 2,5x300mm/1,2kg/69ks Dry System15 (Cast Ni) 49366
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 8 2.5x300mm/1.2kg/69pcs Dry System15 (Cast Ni) 49366
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 8 2.5x300mm/1.2kg/69pcs Dry System15 (Cast Ni) 49366
SKU: UTP 8 2,5x300/1,2
Availability: To order
Product Price: 81,50 € without TAX
97,80 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 8 3.2x350mm/1.5kg/47pcs Dry System15 (Cast Ni) (49369)

Electrodes BOHLER UTP 8 3.2x350mm/1.5kg/47pcs Dry System15 (Cast Ni) (49369)

In Stock: 6
Usually ships in: Stock
86,00 € without TAX
103,20 € incl. tax
Variant product
Available in 10 variants
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,0x250mm/3,6kg/386ks (53435)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,0x250mm/3,6kg/386ks (53435)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,0x250mm/3,6kg/386ks (53435)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,0x250mm/3,6kg/386ks (53435)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 2,0x250/3,6
Availability: To order
Product Price: 121,22 € without TAX
145,46 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/1.2kg (75664) Dry System 15Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/1,2kg (75664) Dry System 15
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/1.2kg (75664) Dry System 15
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/1.2kg (75664) Dry System 15
SKU: UTP 068 HH 2,5x300/1,2
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 72,16 € without TAX
86,59 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/3,9kgElektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/3,9kg
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/3,9kg
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/3,9kg
SKU: UTP 068 HH 2,5x300/3,9
Availability: To order
Product Price: 88,77 € without TAX
106,52 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/4kgElektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/4kg
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/4kg
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/4kg
SKU: UTP 068 HH 2,5x300/4,0
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 88,77 € without TAX
106,52 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/4kg/220ks (70079)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/4kg/220ks (70079)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/4kg/220ks (70079)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/4kg/220ks (70079)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 2,5x300/4
Availability: To order
Product Price: 84,80 € without TAX
101,76 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1kg/36pcs (82626)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/1kg/36ks (82626)
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1kg/36pcs (82626)
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1kg/36pcs (82626)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 3,2x300/1
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 103,56 € without TAX
124,27 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/4,2kg/150ks (63945)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/4,2kg/150ks (63945)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/4,2kg/150ks (63945)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/4,2kg/150ks (63945)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 3,2x300/4,2
Availability: To order
Product Price: 82,60 € without TAX
99,12 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 5,0x400mm/6kg/70ks (52939)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 5,0x400mm/6kg/70ks (52939)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 5,0x400mm/6kg/70ks (52939)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 5,0x400mm/6kg/70ks (52939)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 5,0x400/6
Availability: To order
Product Price: 91,97 € without TAX
110,36 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1.2kg Dry System 15 (75665)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/1,2kg Dry System 15 (75665)
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1.2kg Dry System 15 (75665)
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1.2kg Dry System 15 (75665)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 3,2x300/1,2
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 71,53 € without TAX
85,84 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 4.0x350mm/5.2kg/106pcs (52937)

Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 4.0x350mm/5.2kg/106pcs (52937)

In Stock: 15
Usually ships in: Stock
93,60 € without TAX
112,32 € incl. tax
Variant product
Available in 10 variants
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,0x250mm/3,6kg/386ks (53435)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,0x250mm/3,6kg/386ks (53435)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,0x250mm/3,6kg/386ks (53435)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,0x250mm/3,6kg/386ks (53435)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 2,0x250/3,6
Availability: To order
Product Price: 121,22 € without TAX
145,46 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/1.2kg (75664) Dry System 15Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/1,2kg (75664) Dry System 15
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/1.2kg (75664) Dry System 15
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/1.2kg (75664) Dry System 15
SKU: UTP 068 HH 2,5x300/1,2
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 72,16 € without TAX
86,59 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/3,9kgElektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/3,9kg
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/3,9kg
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/3,9kg
SKU: UTP 068 HH 2,5x300/3,9
Availability: To order
Product Price: 88,77 € without TAX
106,52 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/4kgElektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/4kg
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/4kg
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/4kg
SKU: UTP 068 HH 2,5x300/4,0
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 88,77 € without TAX
106,52 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/4kg/220ks (70079)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/4kg/220ks (70079)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/4kg/220ks (70079)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/4kg/220ks (70079)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 2,5x300/4
Availability: To order
Product Price: 84,80 € without TAX
101,76 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/4,2kg/150ks (63945)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/4,2kg/150ks (63945)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/4,2kg/150ks (63945)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/4,2kg/150ks (63945)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 3,2x300/4,2
Availability: To order
Product Price: 82,60 € without TAX
99,12 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 4.0x350mm/5.2kg/106pcs (52937)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 4,0x350mm/5,2kg/106ks (52937)
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 4.0x350mm/5.2kg/106pcs (52937)
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 4.0x350mm/5.2kg/106pcs (52937)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 4,0x350/5,2
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 93,60 € without TAX
112,32 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 5,0x400mm/6kg/70ks (52939)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 5,0x400mm/6kg/70ks (52939)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 5,0x400mm/6kg/70ks (52939)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 5,0x400mm/6kg/70ks (52939)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 5,0x400/6
Availability: To order
Product Price: 91,97 € without TAX
110,36 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1.2kg Dry System 15 (75665)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/1,2kg Dry System 15 (75665)
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1.2kg Dry System 15 (75665)
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1.2kg Dry System 15 (75665)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 3,2x300/1,2
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 71,53 € without TAX
85,84 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1kg/36pcs (82626)

Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1kg/36pcs (82626)

In Stock: 2
Usually ships in: Stock
103,56 € without TAX
124,27 € incl. tax
Variant product
Available in 10 variants
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,0x250mm/3,6kg/386ks (53435)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,0x250mm/3,6kg/386ks (53435)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,0x250mm/3,6kg/386ks (53435)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,0x250mm/3,6kg/386ks (53435)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 2,0x250/3,6
Availability: To order
Product Price: 121,22 € without TAX
145,46 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/1.2kg (75664) Dry System 15Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/1,2kg (75664) Dry System 15
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/1.2kg (75664) Dry System 15
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/1.2kg (75664) Dry System 15
SKU: UTP 068 HH 2,5x300/1,2
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 72,16 € without TAX
86,59 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/3,9kgElektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/3,9kg
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/3,9kg
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/3,9kg
SKU: UTP 068 HH 2,5x300/3,9
Availability: To order
Product Price: 88,77 € without TAX
106,52 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/4kg/220ks (70079)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/4kg/220ks (70079)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/4kg/220ks (70079)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/4kg/220ks (70079)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 2,5x300/4
Availability: To order
Product Price: 84,80 € without TAX
101,76 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1kg/36pcs (82626)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/1kg/36ks (82626)
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1kg/36pcs (82626)
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1kg/36pcs (82626)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 3,2x300/1
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 103,56 € without TAX
124,27 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/4,2kg/150ks (63945)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/4,2kg/150ks (63945)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/4,2kg/150ks (63945)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/4,2kg/150ks (63945)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 3,2x300/4,2
Availability: To order
Product Price: 82,60 € without TAX
99,12 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 4.0x350mm/5.2kg/106pcs (52937)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 4,0x350mm/5,2kg/106ks (52937)
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 4.0x350mm/5.2kg/106pcs (52937)
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 4.0x350mm/5.2kg/106pcs (52937)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 4,0x350/5,2
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 93,60 € without TAX
112,32 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 5,0x400mm/6kg/70ks (52939)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 5,0x400mm/6kg/70ks (52939)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 5,0x400mm/6kg/70ks (52939)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 5,0x400mm/6kg/70ks (52939)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 5,0x400/6
Availability: To order
Product Price: 91,97 € without TAX
110,36 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1.2kg Dry System 15 (75665)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/1,2kg Dry System 15 (75665)
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1.2kg Dry System 15 (75665)
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1.2kg Dry System 15 (75665)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 3,2x300/1,2
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 71,53 € without TAX
85,84 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/4kg

Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/4kg

In Stock: 142
Usually ships in: Stock
88,77 € without TAX
106,52 € incl. tax
Variant product
Available in 3 variants
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 759 Kb 3,2x300mm/4,0kg/146ks (52456)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 759 Kb 3,2x300mm/4,0kg/146ks (52456)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 759 Kb 3,2x300mm/4,0kg/146ks (52456)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 759 Kb 3,2x300mm/4,0kg/146ks (52456)
SKU: UTP 759 Kb 3,2x300/4,0
Availability: To order
Product Price: 134,34 € without TAX
161,21 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 759 Kb 2,5x250mm/3,3kg/234ks (69074)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 759 Kb 2,5x250mm/3,3kg/234ks (69074)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 759 Kb 2,5x250mm/3,3kg/234ks (69074)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 759 Kb 2,5x250mm/3,3kg/234ks (69074)
SKU: UTP 759 Kb 2,5x250/3,3
Availability: To order
Product Price: 128,37 € without TAX
154,04 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 759 Kb 4,0x350mm/5,2kg/108ks (53011)

Elektródy BOHLER UTP 759 Kb 4,0x350mm/5,2kg/108ks (53011)

This product is currently not available.
Usually ships in: To order
120,74 € without TAX
144,89 € incl. tax
Variant product
Available in 3 variants
Elektródy BOHLER UTP CELSIT 706 2,5x300mm/4,0kg/160ks (82050)Elektródy BOHLER UTP CELSIT 706 2,5x300mm/4,0kg/160ks (82050)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP CELSIT 706 2,5x300mm/4,0kg/160ks (82050)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP CELSIT 706 2,5x300mm/4,0kg/160ks (82050)
SKU: UTP CELSIT 706 2,5x300/4,0
Availability: To order
Product Price: 118,62 € without TAX
142,34 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP CELSIT 706 3,2x350mm/4,6kg/184ks (37575)Elektródy BOHLER UTP CELSIT 706 3,2x350mm/4,6kg/184ks (37575)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP CELSIT 706 3,2x350mm/4,6kg/184ks (37575)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP CELSIT 706 3,2x350mm/4,6kg/184ks (37575)
SKU: UTP CELSIT 706 2,5x300/4,6
Availability: To order
Product Price: 106,92 € without TAX
128,30 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP CELSIT 706 4,0x350mm/4,5kg/80ks (14955)

Elektródy BOHLER UTP CELSIT 706 4,0x350mm/4,5kg/80ks (14955)

This product is currently not available.
Usually ships in: To order
106,92 € without TAX
128,30 € incl. tax
Variant product
Available in 10 variants
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,0x250mm/3,6kg/386ks (53435)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,0x250mm/3,6kg/386ks (53435)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,0x250mm/3,6kg/386ks (53435)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,0x250mm/3,6kg/386ks (53435)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 2,0x250/3,6
Availability: To order
Product Price: 121,22 € without TAX
145,46 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/1.2kg (75664) Dry System 15Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/1,2kg (75664) Dry System 15
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/1.2kg (75664) Dry System 15
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/1.2kg (75664) Dry System 15
SKU: UTP 068 HH 2,5x300/1,2
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 72,16 € without TAX
86,59 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/4kgElektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/4kg
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/4kg
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/4kg
SKU: UTP 068 HH 2,5x300/4,0
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 88,77 € without TAX
106,52 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/4kg/220ks (70079)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/4kg/220ks (70079)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/4kg/220ks (70079)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/4kg/220ks (70079)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 2,5x300/4
Availability: To order
Product Price: 84,80 € without TAX
101,76 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1kg/36pcs (82626)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/1kg/36ks (82626)
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1kg/36pcs (82626)
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1kg/36pcs (82626)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 3,2x300/1
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 103,56 € without TAX
124,27 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/4,2kg/150ks (63945)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/4,2kg/150ks (63945)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/4,2kg/150ks (63945)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/4,2kg/150ks (63945)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 3,2x300/4,2
Availability: To order
Product Price: 82,60 € without TAX
99,12 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 4.0x350mm/5.2kg/106pcs (52937)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 4,0x350mm/5,2kg/106ks (52937)
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 4.0x350mm/5.2kg/106pcs (52937)
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 4.0x350mm/5.2kg/106pcs (52937)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 4,0x350/5,2
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 93,60 € without TAX
112,32 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 5,0x400mm/6kg/70ks (52939)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 5,0x400mm/6kg/70ks (52939)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 5,0x400mm/6kg/70ks (52939)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 5,0x400mm/6kg/70ks (52939)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 5,0x400/6
Availability: To order
Product Price: 91,97 € without TAX
110,36 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1.2kg Dry System 15 (75665)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/1,2kg Dry System 15 (75665)
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1.2kg Dry System 15 (75665)
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1.2kg Dry System 15 (75665)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 3,2x300/1,2
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 71,53 € without TAX
85,84 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/3,9kg

Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/3,9kg

This product is currently not available.
Usually ships in: To order
88,77 € without TAX
106,52 € incl. tax
Variant product
Available in 5 variants
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 2,5x300mm/4,5kg/255ks (14901) (CAST NiFe)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 2,5x300mm/4,5kg/255ks (14901) (CAST NiFe)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 2,5x300mm/4,5kg/255ks (14901) (CAST NiFe)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 2,5x300mm/4,5kg/255ks (14901) (CAST NiFe)
SKU: UTP 86 FN 2,5x300/4,5
Availability: To order
Product Price: 76,52 € without TAX
91,82 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 3,2x350mm/5,6kg/174ks (14902) (CAST NiFe)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 3,2x350mm/5,6kg/174ks (14902) (CAST NiFe)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 3,2x350mm/5,6kg/174ks (14902) (CAST NiFe)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 3,2x350mm/5,6kg/174ks (14902) (CAST NiFe)
SKU: UTP 86 FN 3,2x350/5,6
Availability: To order
Product Price: 75,99 € without TAX
91,19 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 86 FN 3.2x350mm/1.3kg (49398) Dry System15 (Cast NiFe)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 3,2x350mm/1,3kg (49398) Dry System15 (Cast NiFe)
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 86 FN 3.2x350mm/1.3kg (49398) Dry System15 (Cast NiFe)
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 86 FN 3.2x350mm/1.3kg (49398) Dry System15 (Cast NiFe)
SKU: UTP 86FN 3,2x350/1,3
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 76,45 € without TAX
91,74 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 86 FN 2.5x300mm/1.2kg Dry System15 (Cast NiFe) 49382Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 2,5x300mm/1,2kg Dry System15 (Cast NiFe) 49382
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 86 FN 2.5x300mm/1.2kg Dry System15 (Cast NiFe) 49382
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 86 FN 2.5x300mm/1.2kg Dry System15 (Cast NiFe) 49382
SKU: UTP 86FN 2,5x300/1,2
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 76,45 € without TAX
91,74 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 4,0x350mm/5,2kg/ 105ks (54163) (CAST NiFe)

Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 4,0x350mm/5,2kg/ 105ks (54163) (CAST NiFe)

This product is currently not available.
Usually ships in: To order
73,95 € without TAX
88,74 € incl. tax
Variant product
Available in 3 variants
Elektródy BOHLER UTP CELSIT 706 2,5x300mm/4,0kg/160ks (82050)Elektródy BOHLER UTP CELSIT 706 2,5x300mm/4,0kg/160ks (82050)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP CELSIT 706 2,5x300mm/4,0kg/160ks (82050)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP CELSIT 706 2,5x300mm/4,0kg/160ks (82050)
SKU: UTP CELSIT 706 2,5x300/4,0
Availability: To order
Product Price: 118,62 € without TAX
142,34 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP CELSIT 706 4,0x350mm/4,5kg/80ks (14955)Elektródy BOHLER UTP CELSIT 706 4,0x350mm/4,5kg/80ks (14955)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP CELSIT 706 4,0x350mm/4,5kg/80ks (14955)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP CELSIT 706 4,0x350mm/4,5kg/80ks (14955)
SKU: UTP CELSIT 706 4,0x350/4,5
Availability: To order
Product Price: 106,92 € without TAX
128,30 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP CELSIT 706 3,2x350mm/4,6kg/184ks (37575)

Elektródy BOHLER UTP CELSIT 706 3,2x350mm/4,6kg/184ks (37575)

This product is currently not available.
Usually ships in: To order
106,92 € without TAX
128,30 € incl. tax
Variant product
Available in 3 variants
Elektródy BOHLER UTP CELSIT 706 3,2x350mm/4,6kg/184ks (37575)Elektródy BOHLER UTP CELSIT 706 3,2x350mm/4,6kg/184ks (37575)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP CELSIT 706 3,2x350mm/4,6kg/184ks (37575)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP CELSIT 706 3,2x350mm/4,6kg/184ks (37575)
SKU: UTP CELSIT 706 2,5x300/4,6
Availability: To order
Product Price: 106,92 € without TAX
128,30 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP CELSIT 706 4,0x350mm/4,5kg/80ks (14955)Elektródy BOHLER UTP CELSIT 706 4,0x350mm/4,5kg/80ks (14955)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP CELSIT 706 4,0x350mm/4,5kg/80ks (14955)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP CELSIT 706 4,0x350mm/4,5kg/80ks (14955)
SKU: UTP CELSIT 706 4,0x350/4,5
Availability: To order
Product Price: 106,92 € without TAX
128,30 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP CELSIT 706 2,5x300mm/4,0kg/160ks (82050)

Elektródy BOHLER UTP CELSIT 706 2,5x300mm/4,0kg/160ks (82050)

This product is currently not available.
Usually ships in: To order
118,62 € without TAX
142,34 € incl. tax
Variant product
Available in 4 variants
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 8 2,5x300mm /4,7kg/268ks (Cast Ni) (37500)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 8 2,5x300mm /4,7kg/268ks (Cast Ni) (37500)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 8 2,5x300mm /4,7kg/268ks (Cast Ni) (37500)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 8 2,5x300mm /4,7kg/268ks (Cast Ni) (37500)
SKU: UTP 8 2,5x300/4,7
Availability: To order
Product Price: 88,75 € without TAX
106,50 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 8 3.2x350mm/5.5kg/166pcs (Cast Ni) (37501)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 8 3,2x350mm/5,5kg/166ks (Cast Ni) (37501)
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 8 3.2x350mm/5.5kg/166pcs (Cast Ni) (37501)
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 8 3.2x350mm/5.5kg/166pcs (Cast Ni) (37501)
SKU: UTP 8 3,2x350/5,5
Availability: To order
Product Price: 80,20 € without TAX
96,24 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 8 3.2x350mm/1.5kg/47pcs Dry System15 (Cast Ni) (49369)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 8 3,2x350mm/1,5kg/47ks Dry System15 (Cast Ni) (49369)
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 8 3.2x350mm/1.5kg/47pcs Dry System15 (Cast Ni) (49369)
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 8 3.2x350mm/1.5kg/47pcs Dry System15 (Cast Ni) (49369)
SKU: UTP 8 3,2x350/1,5
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 86,00 € without TAX
103,20 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 8 2.5x300mm/1.2kg/69pcs Dry System15 (Cast Ni) 49366

Electrodes BOHLER UTP 8 2.5x300mm/1.2kg/69pcs Dry System15 (Cast Ni) 49366

This product is currently not available.
Usually ships in: To order
81,50 € without TAX
97,80 € incl. tax
Variant product
Available in 5 variants
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 2,5x300mm/4,5kg/255ks (14901) (CAST NiFe)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 2,5x300mm/4,5kg/255ks (14901) (CAST NiFe)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 2,5x300mm/4,5kg/255ks (14901) (CAST NiFe)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 2,5x300mm/4,5kg/255ks (14901) (CAST NiFe)
SKU: UTP 86 FN 2,5x300/4,5
Availability: To order
Product Price: 76,52 € without TAX
91,82 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 4,0x350mm/5,2kg/ 105ks (54163) (CAST NiFe)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 4,0x350mm/5,2kg/ 105ks (54163) (CAST NiFe)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 4,0x350mm/5,2kg/ 105ks (54163) (CAST NiFe)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 4,0x350mm/5,2kg/ 105ks (54163) (CAST NiFe)
SKU: UTP 86 FN 4,0x350/5,2
Availability: To order
Product Price: 73,95 € without TAX
88,74 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 86 FN 3.2x350mm/1.3kg (49398) Dry System15 (Cast NiFe)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 3,2x350mm/1,3kg (49398) Dry System15 (Cast NiFe)
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 86 FN 3.2x350mm/1.3kg (49398) Dry System15 (Cast NiFe)
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 86 FN 3.2x350mm/1.3kg (49398) Dry System15 (Cast NiFe)
SKU: UTP 86FN 3,2x350/1,3
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 76,45 € without TAX
91,74 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 86 FN 2.5x300mm/1.2kg Dry System15 (Cast NiFe) 49382Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 2,5x300mm/1,2kg Dry System15 (Cast NiFe) 49382
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 86 FN 2.5x300mm/1.2kg Dry System15 (Cast NiFe) 49382
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 86 FN 2.5x300mm/1.2kg Dry System15 (Cast NiFe) 49382
SKU: UTP 86FN 2,5x300/1,2
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 76,45 € without TAX
91,74 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 3,2x350mm/5,6kg/174ks (14902) (CAST NiFe)

Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 3,2x350mm/5,6kg/174ks (14902) (CAST NiFe)

This product is currently not available.
Usually ships in: To order
75,99 € without TAX
91,19 € incl. tax
Variant product
Available in 4 variants
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 8 2,5x300mm /4,7kg/268ks (Cast Ni) (37500)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 8 2,5x300mm /4,7kg/268ks (Cast Ni) (37500)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 8 2,5x300mm /4,7kg/268ks (Cast Ni) (37500)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 8 2,5x300mm /4,7kg/268ks (Cast Ni) (37500)
SKU: UTP 8 2,5x300/4,7
Availability: To order
Product Price: 88,75 € without TAX
106,50 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 8 2.5x300mm/1.2kg/69pcs Dry System15 (Cast Ni) 49366Elektródy BOHLER UTP 8 2,5x300mm/1,2kg/69ks Dry System15 (Cast Ni) 49366
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 8 2.5x300mm/1.2kg/69pcs Dry System15 (Cast Ni) 49366
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 8 2.5x300mm/1.2kg/69pcs Dry System15 (Cast Ni) 49366
SKU: UTP 8 2,5x300/1,2
Availability: To order
Product Price: 81,50 € without TAX
97,80 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 8 3.2x350mm/1.5kg/47pcs Dry System15 (Cast Ni) (49369)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 8 3,2x350mm/1,5kg/47ks Dry System15 (Cast Ni) (49369)
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 8 3.2x350mm/1.5kg/47pcs Dry System15 (Cast Ni) (49369)
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 8 3.2x350mm/1.5kg/47pcs Dry System15 (Cast Ni) (49369)
SKU: UTP 8 3,2x350/1,5
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 86,00 € without TAX
103,20 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 8 3.2x350mm/5.5kg/166pcs (Cast Ni) (37501)

Electrodes BOHLER UTP 8 3.2x350mm/5.5kg/166pcs (Cast Ni) (37501)

This product is currently not available.
Usually ships in: To order
80,20 € without TAX
96,24 € incl. tax
Variant product
Available in 5 variants
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 3,2x350mm/5,6kg/174ks (14902) (CAST NiFe)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 3,2x350mm/5,6kg/174ks (14902) (CAST NiFe)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 3,2x350mm/5,6kg/174ks (14902) (CAST NiFe)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 3,2x350mm/5,6kg/174ks (14902) (CAST NiFe)
SKU: UTP 86 FN 3,2x350/5,6
Availability: To order
Product Price: 75,99 € without TAX
91,19 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 4,0x350mm/5,2kg/ 105ks (54163) (CAST NiFe)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 4,0x350mm/5,2kg/ 105ks (54163) (CAST NiFe)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 4,0x350mm/5,2kg/ 105ks (54163) (CAST NiFe)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 4,0x350mm/5,2kg/ 105ks (54163) (CAST NiFe)
SKU: UTP 86 FN 4,0x350/5,2
Availability: To order
Product Price: 73,95 € without TAX
88,74 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 86 FN 3.2x350mm/1.3kg (49398) Dry System15 (Cast NiFe)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 3,2x350mm/1,3kg (49398) Dry System15 (Cast NiFe)
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 86 FN 3.2x350mm/1.3kg (49398) Dry System15 (Cast NiFe)
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 86 FN 3.2x350mm/1.3kg (49398) Dry System15 (Cast NiFe)
SKU: UTP 86FN 3,2x350/1,3
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 76,45 € without TAX
91,74 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 86 FN 2.5x300mm/1.2kg Dry System15 (Cast NiFe) 49382Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 2,5x300mm/1,2kg Dry System15 (Cast NiFe) 49382
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 86 FN 2.5x300mm/1.2kg Dry System15 (Cast NiFe) 49382
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 86 FN 2.5x300mm/1.2kg Dry System15 (Cast NiFe) 49382
SKU: UTP 86FN 2,5x300/1,2
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 76,45 € without TAX
91,74 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 2,5x300mm/4,5kg/255ks (14901) (CAST NiFe)

Elektródy BOHLER UTP 86 FN 2,5x300mm/4,5kg/255ks (14901) (CAST NiFe)

This product is currently not available.
Usually ships in: To order
76,52 € without TAX
91,82 € incl. tax
Variant product
Available in 10 variants
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,0x250mm/3,6kg/386ks (53435)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,0x250mm/3,6kg/386ks (53435)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,0x250mm/3,6kg/386ks (53435)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,0x250mm/3,6kg/386ks (53435)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 2,0x250/3,6
Availability: To order
Product Price: 121,22 € without TAX
145,46 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/1.2kg (75664) Dry System 15Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/1,2kg (75664) Dry System 15
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/1.2kg (75664) Dry System 15
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/1.2kg (75664) Dry System 15
SKU: UTP 068 HH 2,5x300/1,2
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 72,16 € without TAX
86,59 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/3,9kgElektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/3,9kg
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/3,9kg
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/3,9kg
SKU: UTP 068 HH 2,5x300/3,9
Availability: To order
Product Price: 88,77 € without TAX
106,52 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/4kgElektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/4kg
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/4kg
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/4kg
SKU: UTP 068 HH 2,5x300/4,0
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 88,77 € without TAX
106,52 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/4kg/220ks (70079)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/4kg/220ks (70079)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/4kg/220ks (70079)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/4kg/220ks (70079)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 2,5x300/4
Availability: To order
Product Price: 84,80 € without TAX
101,76 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1kg/36pcs (82626)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/1kg/36ks (82626)
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1kg/36pcs (82626)
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1kg/36pcs (82626)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 3,2x300/1
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 103,56 € without TAX
124,27 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/4,2kg/150ks (63945)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/4,2kg/150ks (63945)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/4,2kg/150ks (63945)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/4,2kg/150ks (63945)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 3,2x300/4,2
Availability: To order
Product Price: 82,60 € without TAX
99,12 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 4.0x350mm/5.2kg/106pcs (52937)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 4,0x350mm/5,2kg/106ks (52937)
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 4.0x350mm/5.2kg/106pcs (52937)
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 4.0x350mm/5.2kg/106pcs (52937)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 4,0x350/5,2
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 93,60 € without TAX
112,32 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1.2kg Dry System 15 (75665)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/1,2kg Dry System 15 (75665)
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1.2kg Dry System 15 (75665)
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1.2kg Dry System 15 (75665)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 3,2x300/1,2
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 71,53 € without TAX
85,84 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 5,0x400mm/6kg/70ks (52939)

Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 5,0x400mm/6kg/70ks (52939)

This product is currently not available.
Usually ships in: To order
91,97 € without TAX
110,36 € incl. tax
Variant product
Available in 3 variants
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 759 Kb 3,2x300mm/4,0kg/146ks (52456)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 759 Kb 3,2x300mm/4,0kg/146ks (52456)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 759 Kb 3,2x300mm/4,0kg/146ks (52456)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 759 Kb 3,2x300mm/4,0kg/146ks (52456)
SKU: UTP 759 Kb 3,2x300/4,0
Availability: To order
Product Price: 134,34 € without TAX
161,21 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 759 Kb 4,0x350mm/5,2kg/108ks (53011)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 759 Kb 4,0x350mm/5,2kg/108ks (53011)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 759 Kb 4,0x350mm/5,2kg/108ks (53011)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 759 Kb 4,0x350mm/5,2kg/108ks (53011)
SKU: 53011
Availability: To order
Product Price: 120,74 € without TAX
144,89 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 759 Kb 2,5x250mm/3,3kg/234ks (69074)

Elektródy BOHLER UTP 759 Kb 2,5x250mm/3,3kg/234ks (69074)

This product is currently not available.
Usually ships in: To order
128,37 € without TAX
154,04 € incl. tax
Variant product
Available in 10 variants
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,0x250mm/3,6kg/386ks (53435)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,0x250mm/3,6kg/386ks (53435)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,0x250mm/3,6kg/386ks (53435)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,0x250mm/3,6kg/386ks (53435)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 2,0x250/3,6
Availability: To order
Product Price: 121,22 € without TAX
145,46 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/1.2kg (75664) Dry System 15Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/1,2kg (75664) Dry System 15
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/1.2kg (75664) Dry System 15
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/1.2kg (75664) Dry System 15
SKU: UTP 068 HH 2,5x300/1,2
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 72,16 € without TAX
86,59 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/3,9kgElektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/3,9kg
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/3,9kg
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/3,9kg
SKU: UTP 068 HH 2,5x300/3,9
Availability: To order
Product Price: 88,77 € without TAX
106,52 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/4kgElektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/4kg
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/4kg
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/4kg
SKU: UTP 068 HH 2,5x300/4,0
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 88,77 € without TAX
106,52 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/4kg/220ks (70079)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/4kg/220ks (70079)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/4kg/220ks (70079)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/4kg/220ks (70079)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 2,5x300/4
Availability: To order
Product Price: 84,80 € without TAX
101,76 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1kg/36pcs (82626)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/1kg/36ks (82626)
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1kg/36pcs (82626)
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1kg/36pcs (82626)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 3,2x300/1
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 103,56 € without TAX
124,27 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 4.0x350mm/5.2kg/106pcs (52937)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 4,0x350mm/5,2kg/106ks (52937)
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 4.0x350mm/5.2kg/106pcs (52937)
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 4.0x350mm/5.2kg/106pcs (52937)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 4,0x350/5,2
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 93,60 € without TAX
112,32 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 5,0x400mm/6kg/70ks (52939)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 5,0x400mm/6kg/70ks (52939)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 5,0x400mm/6kg/70ks (52939)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 5,0x400mm/6kg/70ks (52939)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 5,0x400/6
Availability: To order
Product Price: 91,97 € without TAX
110,36 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1.2kg Dry System 15 (75665)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/1,2kg Dry System 15 (75665)
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1.2kg Dry System 15 (75665)
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1.2kg Dry System 15 (75665)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 3,2x300/1,2
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 71,53 € without TAX
85,84 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/4,2kg/150ks (63945)

Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/4,2kg/150ks (63945)

This product is currently not available.
Usually ships in: To order
82,60 € without TAX
99,12 € incl. tax
Variant product
Available in 10 variants
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/1.2kg (75664) Dry System 15Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/1,2kg (75664) Dry System 15
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/1.2kg (75664) Dry System 15
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/1.2kg (75664) Dry System 15
SKU: UTP 068 HH 2,5x300/1,2
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 72,16 € without TAX
86,59 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/3,9kgElektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/3,9kg
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/3,9kg
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/3,9kg
SKU: UTP 068 HH 2,5x300/3,9
Availability: To order
Product Price: 88,77 € without TAX
106,52 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/4kgElektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/4kg
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/4kg
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/4kg
SKU: UTP 068 HH 2,5x300/4,0
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 88,77 € without TAX
106,52 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/4kg/220ks (70079)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/4kg/220ks (70079)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/4kg/220ks (70079)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/4kg/220ks (70079)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 2,5x300/4
Availability: To order
Product Price: 84,80 € without TAX
101,76 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1kg/36pcs (82626)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/1kg/36ks (82626)
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1kg/36pcs (82626)
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1kg/36pcs (82626)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 3,2x300/1
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 103,56 € without TAX
124,27 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/4,2kg/150ks (63945)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/4,2kg/150ks (63945)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/4,2kg/150ks (63945)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/4,2kg/150ks (63945)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 3,2x300/4,2
Availability: To order
Product Price: 82,60 € without TAX
99,12 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 4.0x350mm/5.2kg/106pcs (52937)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 4,0x350mm/5,2kg/106ks (52937)
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 4.0x350mm/5.2kg/106pcs (52937)
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 4.0x350mm/5.2kg/106pcs (52937)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 4,0x350/5,2
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 93,60 € without TAX
112,32 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 5,0x400mm/6kg/70ks (52939)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 5,0x400mm/6kg/70ks (52939)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 5,0x400mm/6kg/70ks (52939)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 5,0x400mm/6kg/70ks (52939)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 5,0x400/6
Availability: To order
Product Price: 91,97 € without TAX
110,36 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1.2kg Dry System 15 (75665)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/1,2kg Dry System 15 (75665)
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1.2kg Dry System 15 (75665)
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1.2kg Dry System 15 (75665)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 3,2x300/1,2
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 71,53 € without TAX
85,84 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,0x250mm/3,6kg/386ks (53435)

Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,0x250mm/3,6kg/386ks (53435)

This product is currently not available.
Usually ships in: To order
121,22 € without TAX
145,46 € incl. tax
Variant product
Available in 10 variants
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,0x250mm/3,6kg/386ks (53435)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,0x250mm/3,6kg/386ks (53435)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,0x250mm/3,6kg/386ks (53435)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,0x250mm/3,6kg/386ks (53435)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 2,0x250/3,6
Availability: To order
Product Price: 121,22 € without TAX
145,46 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/1.2kg (75664) Dry System 15Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/1,2kg (75664) Dry System 15
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/1.2kg (75664) Dry System 15
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/1.2kg (75664) Dry System 15
SKU: UTP 068 HH 2,5x300/1,2
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 72,16 € without TAX
86,59 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/3,9kgElektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/3,9kg
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/3,9kg
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/3,9kg
SKU: UTP 068 HH 2,5x300/3,9
Availability: To order
Product Price: 88,77 € without TAX
106,52 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/4kgElektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/4kg
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/4kg
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2.5x300mm/4kg
SKU: UTP 068 HH 2,5x300/4,0
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 88,77 € without TAX
106,52 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1kg/36pcs (82626)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/1kg/36ks (82626)
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1kg/36pcs (82626)
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1kg/36pcs (82626)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 3,2x300/1
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 103,56 € without TAX
124,27 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/4,2kg/150ks (63945)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/4,2kg/150ks (63945)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/4,2kg/150ks (63945)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/4,2kg/150ks (63945)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 3,2x300/4,2
Availability: To order
Product Price: 82,60 € without TAX
99,12 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 4.0x350mm/5.2kg/106pcs (52937)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 4,0x350mm/5,2kg/106ks (52937)
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 4.0x350mm/5.2kg/106pcs (52937)
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 4.0x350mm/5.2kg/106pcs (52937)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 4,0x350/5,2
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 93,60 € without TAX
112,32 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 5,0x400mm/6kg/70ks (52939)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 5,0x400mm/6kg/70ks (52939)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 5,0x400mm/6kg/70ks (52939)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 5,0x400mm/6kg/70ks (52939)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 5,0x400/6
Availability: To order
Product Price: 91,97 € without TAX
110,36 € incl. tax
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1.2kg Dry System 15 (75665)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3,2x300mm/1,2kg Dry System 15 (75665)
Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1.2kg Dry System 15 (75665)
Product Name: Electrodes BOHLER UTP 068 HH 3.2x300mm/1.2kg Dry System 15 (75665)
SKU: UTP 068 HH 3,2x300/1,2
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 71,53 € without TAX
85,84 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/4kg/220ks (70079)

Elektródy BOHLER UTP 068 HH 2,5x300mm/4kg/220ks (70079)

This product is currently not available.
Usually ships in: To order
84,80 € without TAX
101,76 € incl. tax
Variant product
Available in 3 variants
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 759 Kb 2,5x250mm/3,3kg/234ks (69074)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 759 Kb 2,5x250mm/3,3kg/234ks (69074)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 759 Kb 2,5x250mm/3,3kg/234ks (69074)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 759 Kb 2,5x250mm/3,3kg/234ks (69074)
SKU: UTP 759 Kb 2,5x250/3,3
Availability: To order
Product Price: 128,37 € without TAX
154,04 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 759 Kb 4,0x350mm/5,2kg/108ks (53011)Elektródy BOHLER UTP 759 Kb 4,0x350mm/5,2kg/108ks (53011)
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 759 Kb 4,0x350mm/5,2kg/108ks (53011)
Product Name: Elektródy BOHLER UTP 759 Kb 4,0x350mm/5,2kg/108ks (53011)
SKU: 53011
Availability: To order
Product Price: 120,74 € without TAX
144,89 € incl. tax
Elektródy BOHLER UTP 759 Kb 3,2x300mm/4,0kg/146ks (52456)

Elektródy BOHLER UTP 759 Kb 3,2x300mm/4,0kg/146ks (52456)

This product is currently not available.
Usually ships in: To order
134,34 € without TAX
161,21 € incl. tax