TIG welding wires for cast iron
Zváranie liatiny metódou TIG

Zváracie drôty TIG na liatinu sú špeciálne vyvinuté prídavné materiály určené na zváranie a opravy liatinových komponentov. Liatina je známa svojou krehkosťou a nízkou ťažnosťou, čo spôsobuje, že zváranie liatiny je technicky náročnejšie ako zváranie iných kovov. Preto je výber správneho drôtu, ako aj zváracích techník a postupov, kľúčový pre dosiahnutie kvalitného a spoľahlivého zvaru.

Charakteristika liatiny

Liatina je zliatina železa s obsahom uhlíka od 2,1 % do 4 %, často doplnená ďalšími prvkami ako kremík, mangán a síra. Existuje niekoľko druhov liatiny, z ktorých najznámejšie sú sivá liatina, tvárna liatina a biela liatina. Každý druh má svoje špecifické vlastnosti a vyžaduje odlišné prístupy pri zváraní.

Výzvy pri zváraní liatiny

Krehkosť a praskanie: Vysoký obsah uhlíka v liatine spôsobuje, že materiál je krehký a náchylný na praskanie, najmä pri rýchlom ochladzovaní.
Oxidácia a nečistoty: Liatina má tendenciu tvoriť oxidovú vrstvu, ktorá môže ovplyvniť kvalitu zvaru. Navyše, nečistoty ako oleje a mazivá v liatinových odliatkoch môžu spôsobiť pórovitosť v zvarovom kove.
Tepelné napätia: Liatina má nízky koeficient tepelnej rozťažnosti, čo znamená, že zváranie môže viesť k vysokým tepelným napätiam a následnému praskaniu.

Typy zváracích drôtov TIG na liatinu

Pre úspešné zváranie liatiny sú dostupné rôzne typy TIG zváracích drôtov, ktoré sú navrhnuté tak, aby riešili špecifické problémy spojené so zváraním liatiny.

Niklové drôty (NiFe a NiCu)
NiFe (Niklová železná zliatina): Tieto drôty majú vysoký obsah niklu a sú najčastejšie používané pre zváranie liatiny. Nikel znižuje tvrdosť zvarového kovu, čím minimalizuje riziko praskania. Drôty NiFe poskytujú dobrú húževnatosť a odolnosť voči tepelným napätiam.
NiCu (Niklová meď): Drôty obsahujúce meď a nikel sú vhodné pre zváranie sivej liatiny. Poskytujú výbornú odolnosť voči korózii a vysokú pevnosť zvarov.

Oceľové drôty
Používajú sa prevažne na zváranie liatiny s nízkym obsahom uhlíka alebo na zváranie liatinových komponentov s oceľou. Tieto drôty sú menej náchylné na praskanie v porovnaní s čistou liatinou, ale je potrebné dbať na správnu prípravu a techniku zvárania.

Zváracie techniky a postupy

Pre úspešné zváranie liatiny metódou TIG je potrebné dodržiavať určité postupy a techniky:
Príprava povrchu: Povrch liatiny musí byť čistý a zbavený nečistôt, ako sú oleje, mazivá a oxidy. To zabezpečí lepšiu adhéziu zvarového kovu.
Predhrev a pomalé ochladzovanie: Predhrev na teplotu medzi 150°C a 300°C môže pomôcť znížiť riziko praskania. Po zváraní je dôležité zabezpečiť pomalé ochladzovanie, napríklad zakrytím zvaru tepelnou prikrývkou.
Krátke zvary a medzichladenie: Pri zváraní liatiny je vhodné používať krátke zvary a nechať zvarový kov vychladnúť medzi jednotlivými pasmi, aby sa minimalizovalo tepelné napätie.
Používanie správneho ochranného plynu: Argón je najčastejšie používaný ochranný plyn pri TIG zváraní liatiny. V niektorých prípadoch môže byť použitá zmes argónu s héliom na zlepšenie prenikania zvaru.


Zváracie drôty TIG na liatinu sú používané v rôznych priemyselných odvetviach:
Automobilový priemysel: Opravy blokov motorov, prevodoviek a iných liatinových komponentov.
Strojárstvo: Zváranie strojových častí, ako sú ložiskové púzdra a ozubené kolesá.
Výroba a opravy potrubí: Opravy liatinových potrubí v priemyselných inštaláciách.
Údržba a opravy: Všeobecné opravy a údržba liatinových komponentov v rôznych aplikáciách.

Použitie správnych zváracích drôtov TIG na liatinu a dodržiavanie odporúčaných postupov sú kľúčové pre dosiahnutie úspešného zvaru s minimálnym rizikom praskania a iných defektov.

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Variant product
Available in 4 variants
TIG wire BOHLER UTP A 759 1.6x1000mm (56469)Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 759 1,6x1000mm (56469)
TIG wire BOHLER UTP A 759 1.6x1000mm (56469)
Product Name: TIG wire BOHLER UTP A 759 1.6x1000mm (56469)
SKU: UTP A 759 1,6x1000-56469
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 185,13 € without TAX
222,16 € incl. tax
TIG wire BOHLER UTP A 759 2.0x1000mm (37486)Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 759 2,0x1000mm (37486)
TIG wire BOHLER UTP A 759 2.0x1000mm (37486)
Product Name: TIG wire BOHLER UTP A 759 2.0x1000mm (37486)
SKU: UTP A 759 2,0x1000-37486
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 172,19 € without TAX
206,63 € incl. tax
TIG wire BOHLER UTP A 759 2.4x1000mm (37485)Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 759 2,4x1000mm (37485)
TIG wire BOHLER UTP A 759 2.4x1000mm (37485)
Product Name: TIG wire BOHLER UTP A 759 2.4x1000mm (37485)
SKU: UTP A 759 2,4x1000-37485
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 175,67 € without TAX
210,80 € incl. tax
TIG wire BOHLER UTP A 759 3.2x1000mm (37482)

TIG wire BOHLER UTP A 759 3.2x1000mm (37482)

In Stock: 10
Usually ships in: Stock
172,04 € without TAX
206,45 € incl. tax
Variant product
Available in 4 variants
TIG wire BOHLER UTP A 759 2.0x1000mm (37486)Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 759 2,0x1000mm (37486)
TIG wire BOHLER UTP A 759 2.0x1000mm (37486)
Product Name: TIG wire BOHLER UTP A 759 2.0x1000mm (37486)
SKU: UTP A 759 2,0x1000-37486
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 172,19 € without TAX
206,63 € incl. tax
TIG wire BOHLER UTP A 759 2.4x1000mm (37485)Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 759 2,4x1000mm (37485)
TIG wire BOHLER UTP A 759 2.4x1000mm (37485)
Product Name: TIG wire BOHLER UTP A 759 2.4x1000mm (37485)
SKU: UTP A 759 2,4x1000-37485
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 175,67 € without TAX
210,80 € incl. tax
TIG wire BOHLER UTP A 759 3.2x1000mm (37482)Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 759 3,2x1000mm (37482)
TIG wire BOHLER UTP A 759 3.2x1000mm (37482)
Product Name: TIG wire BOHLER UTP A 759 3.2x1000mm (37482)
SKU: UTP A 759 3,2x1000-37482
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 172,04 € without TAX
206,45 € incl. tax
TIG wire BOHLER UTP A 759 1.6x1000mm (56469)

TIG wire BOHLER UTP A 759 1.6x1000mm (56469)

In Stock: 10
Usually ships in: Stock
185,13 € without TAX
222,16 € incl. tax
Variant product
Available in 4 variants
TIG wire BOHLER UTP A 759 1.6x1000mm (56469)Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 759 1,6x1000mm (56469)
TIG wire BOHLER UTP A 759 1.6x1000mm (56469)
Product Name: TIG wire BOHLER UTP A 759 1.6x1000mm (56469)
SKU: UTP A 759 1,6x1000-56469
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 185,13 € without TAX
222,16 € incl. tax
TIG wire BOHLER UTP A 759 2.4x1000mm (37485)Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 759 2,4x1000mm (37485)
TIG wire BOHLER UTP A 759 2.4x1000mm (37485)
Product Name: TIG wire BOHLER UTP A 759 2.4x1000mm (37485)
SKU: UTP A 759 2,4x1000-37485
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 175,67 € without TAX
210,80 € incl. tax
TIG wire BOHLER UTP A 759 3.2x1000mm (37482)Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 759 3,2x1000mm (37482)
TIG wire BOHLER UTP A 759 3.2x1000mm (37482)
Product Name: TIG wire BOHLER UTP A 759 3.2x1000mm (37482)
SKU: UTP A 759 3,2x1000-37482
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 172,04 € without TAX
206,45 € incl. tax
TIG wire BOHLER UTP A 759 2.0x1000mm (37486)

TIG wire BOHLER UTP A 759 2.0x1000mm (37486)

In Stock: 10
Usually ships in: Stock
172,19 € without TAX
206,63 € incl. tax
Variant product
Available in 4 variants
TIG wire BOHLER UTP A 759 1.6x1000mm (56469)Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 759 1,6x1000mm (56469)
TIG wire BOHLER UTP A 759 1.6x1000mm (56469)
Product Name: TIG wire BOHLER UTP A 759 1.6x1000mm (56469)
SKU: UTP A 759 1,6x1000-56469
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 185,13 € without TAX
222,16 € incl. tax
TIG wire BOHLER UTP A 759 2.0x1000mm (37486)Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 759 2,0x1000mm (37486)
TIG wire BOHLER UTP A 759 2.0x1000mm (37486)
Product Name: TIG wire BOHLER UTP A 759 2.0x1000mm (37486)
SKU: UTP A 759 2,0x1000-37486
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 172,19 € without TAX
206,63 € incl. tax
TIG wire BOHLER UTP A 759 3.2x1000mm (37482)Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 759 3,2x1000mm (37482)
TIG wire BOHLER UTP A 759 3.2x1000mm (37482)
Product Name: TIG wire BOHLER UTP A 759 3.2x1000mm (37482)
SKU: UTP A 759 3,2x1000-37482
Availability: Stock
Product Price: 172,04 € without TAX
206,45 € incl. tax
TIG wire BOHLER UTP A 759 2.4x1000mm (37485)

TIG wire BOHLER UTP A 759 2.4x1000mm (37485)

In Stock: 20
Usually ships in: Stock
175,67 € without TAX
210,80 € incl. tax
Variant product
Available in 2 variants
Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit NIMO C 24 2,4x1000mm (66736)Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit NIMO C 24 2,4x1000mm (66736)
Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit NIMO C 24 2,4x1000mm (66736)
Product Name: Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit NIMO C 24 2,4x1000mm (66736)
SKU: Thermanit NIMO C 24 2,4x 1000-66736
Availability: To order
Product Price: 176,66 € without TAX
211,99 € incl. tax
Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit NIMO C 24 3,2x1000mm (14627)

Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit NIMO C 24 3,2x1000mm (14627)

This product is currently not available.
Usually ships in: To order
176,66 € without TAX
211,99 € incl. tax
Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 6225 AL 2,0x1000mm (79029)

Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 6225 AL 2,0x1000mm (79029)

This product is currently not available.
Usually ships in: To order
143,07 € without TAX
171,68 € incl. tax
Variant product
Available in 2 variants
Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit NIMO C 24 3,2x1000mm (14627)Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit NIMO C 24 3,2x1000mm (14627)
Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit NIMO C 24 3,2x1000mm (14627)
Product Name: Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit NIMO C 24 3,2x1000mm (14627)
SKU: Thermanit NIMO C 24 3,2x1000-14627
Availability: To order
Product Price: 176,66 € without TAX
211,99 € incl. tax
Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit NIMO C 24 2,4x1000mm (66736)

Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit NIMO C 24 2,4x1000mm (66736)

This product is currently not available.
Usually ships in: To order
176,66 € without TAX
211,99 € incl. tax
Drôt TIG BOHLER Avesta P16 2,0x1000mm (79288)

Drôt TIG BOHLER Avesta P16 2,0x1000mm (79288)

This product is currently not available.
Usually ships in: To order
131,89 € without TAX
158,27 € incl. tax
Variant product
Available in 5 variants
TIG wire BOHLER Thermanit 625 1.6x1000mm/5kg (83717)Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit 625 1,6x1000mm/5kg (83717)
TIG wire BOHLER Thermanit 625 1.6x1000mm/5kg (83717)
Product Name: TIG wire BOHLER Thermanit 625 1.6x1000mm/5kg (83717)
SKU: Thermanit 625 1,6x1000/5-83717
Availability: To order
Product Price: 126,84 € without TAX
152,21 € incl. tax
TIG wire BOHLER Thermanit 625 2.0x1000mm/5kg (80432)Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit 625 2,0x1000mm/5kg (80432)
TIG wire BOHLER Thermanit 625 2.0x1000mm/5kg (80432)
Product Name: TIG wire BOHLER Thermanit 625 2.0x1000mm/5kg (80432)
SKU: Thermanit 625 2,0x1000/5-80432
Availability: To order
Product Price: 133,90 € without TAX
160,68 € incl. tax
TIG wire BOHLER Thermanit 625 2.4x1000mm/5kg (80407)Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit 625 2,4x1000mm/5kg (80407)
TIG wire BOHLER Thermanit 625 2.4x1000mm/5kg (80407)
Product Name: TIG wire BOHLER Thermanit 625 2.4x1000mm/5kg (80407)
SKU: Thermanit 625 2,4x1000/5-80407
Availability: To order
Product Price: 129,50 € without TAX
155,40 € incl. tax
Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit 625 3,2x1000mm/5kg (80534)Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit 625 3,2x1000mm/5kkg (80534)
Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit 625 3,2x1000mm/5kg (80534)
Product Name: Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit 625 3,2x1000mm/5kg (80534)
SKU: Thermanit 625 3,2x1000/5-80534
Availability: To order
Product Price: 129,50 € without TAX
155,40 € incl. tax
Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit 625 1,2x1000mm/5kg

Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit 625 1,2x1000mm/5kg

This product is currently not available.
Usually ships in: To order
0,00 €
0,00 €
Drôt TIG BOHLER NIMO C 24 2,0x1000mm (66735)

Drôt TIG BOHLER NIMO C 24 2,0x1000mm (66735)

This product is currently not available.
Usually ships in: To order
188,32 € without TAX
225,98 € incl. tax
Variant product
Available in 5 variants
Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit 625 1,2x1000mm/5kgDrôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit 625 1,2x1000mm/5kg
Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit 625 1,2x1000mm/5kg
Product Name: Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit 625 1,2x1000mm/5kg
SKU: Thermanit 625-1,2x1000
Availability: To order
Product Price: 0,00 €
0,00 €
TIG wire BOHLER Thermanit 625 1.6x1000mm/5kg (83717)Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit 625 1,6x1000mm/5kg (83717)
TIG wire BOHLER Thermanit 625 1.6x1000mm/5kg (83717)
Product Name: TIG wire BOHLER Thermanit 625 1.6x1000mm/5kg (83717)
SKU: Thermanit 625 1,6x1000/5-83717
Availability: To order
Product Price: 126,84 € without TAX
152,21 € incl. tax
TIG wire BOHLER Thermanit 625 2.0x1000mm/5kg (80432)Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit 625 2,0x1000mm/5kg (80432)
TIG wire BOHLER Thermanit 625 2.0x1000mm/5kg (80432)
Product Name: TIG wire BOHLER Thermanit 625 2.0x1000mm/5kg (80432)
SKU: Thermanit 625 2,0x1000/5-80432
Availability: To order
Product Price: 133,90 € without TAX
160,68 € incl. tax
TIG wire BOHLER Thermanit 625 2.4x1000mm/5kg (80407)Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit 625 2,4x1000mm/5kg (80407)
TIG wire BOHLER Thermanit 625 2.4x1000mm/5kg (80407)
Product Name: TIG wire BOHLER Thermanit 625 2.4x1000mm/5kg (80407)
SKU: Thermanit 625 2,4x1000/5-80407
Availability: To order
Product Price: 129,50 € without TAX
155,40 € incl. tax
Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit 625 3,2x1000mm/5kg (80534)

Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit 625 3,2x1000mm/5kg (80534)

This product is currently not available.
Usually ships in: To order
129,50 € without TAX
155,40 € incl. tax
Variant product
Available in 5 variants
Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit 625 1,2x1000mm/5kgDrôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit 625 1,2x1000mm/5kg
Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit 625 1,2x1000mm/5kg
Product Name: Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit 625 1,2x1000mm/5kg
SKU: Thermanit 625-1,2x1000
Availability: To order
Product Price: 0,00 €
0,00 €
TIG wire BOHLER Thermanit 625 2.0x1000mm/5kg (80432)Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit 625 2,0x1000mm/5kg (80432)
TIG wire BOHLER Thermanit 625 2.0x1000mm/5kg (80432)
Product Name: TIG wire BOHLER Thermanit 625 2.0x1000mm/5kg (80432)
SKU: Thermanit 625 2,0x1000/5-80432
Availability: To order
Product Price: 133,90 € without TAX
160,68 € incl. tax
TIG wire BOHLER Thermanit 625 2.4x1000mm/5kg (80407)Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit 625 2,4x1000mm/5kg (80407)
TIG wire BOHLER Thermanit 625 2.4x1000mm/5kg (80407)
Product Name: TIG wire BOHLER Thermanit 625 2.4x1000mm/5kg (80407)
SKU: Thermanit 625 2,4x1000/5-80407
Availability: To order
Product Price: 129,50 € without TAX
155,40 € incl. tax
Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit 625 3,2x1000mm/5kg (80534)Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit 625 3,2x1000mm/5kkg (80534)
Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit 625 3,2x1000mm/5kg (80534)
Product Name: Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit 625 3,2x1000mm/5kg (80534)
SKU: Thermanit 625 3,2x1000/5-80534
Availability: To order
Product Price: 129,50 € without TAX
155,40 € incl. tax
TIG wire BOHLER Thermanit 625 1.6x1000mm/5kg (83717)

TIG wire BOHLER Thermanit 625 1.6x1000mm/5kg (83717)

This product is currently not available.
Usually ships in: To order
126,84 € without TAX
152,21 € incl. tax
Variant product
Available in 3 variants
Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 80 M 2,4x1000mm (73290) nikelDrôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 80 M 2,4x1000mm (73290) nikel
Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 80 M 2,4x1000mm (73290) nikel
Product Name: Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 80 M 2,4x1000mm (73290) nikel
SKU: UTP A 80 M 2,4x1000-73290
Availability: To order
Product Price: 96,71 € without TAX
116,05 € incl. tax
Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 80 M 2,0x1000mm (74642) nikelDrôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 80 M 2,0x1000mm (74642) nikel
Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 80 M 2,0x1000mm (74642) nikel
Product Name: Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 80 M 2,0x1000mm (74642) nikel
SKU: UTP A 80 M 2,0x1000-74642
Availability: To order
Product Price: 96,71 € without TAX
116,05 € incl. tax
Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 80 M 1,6x1000mm (73651) nikel

Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 80 M 1,6x1000mm (73651) nikel

This product is currently not available.
Usually ships in: To order
96,71 € without TAX
116,05 € incl. tax
Variant product
Available in 3 variants
Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 80 M 2,4x1000mm (73290) nikelDrôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 80 M 2,4x1000mm (73290) nikel
Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 80 M 2,4x1000mm (73290) nikel
Product Name: Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 80 M 2,4x1000mm (73290) nikel
SKU: UTP A 80 M 2,4x1000-73290
Availability: To order
Product Price: 96,71 € without TAX
116,05 € incl. tax
Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 80 M 1,6x1000mm (73651) nikelDrôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 80 M 1,6x1000mm (73651) nikel
Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 80 M 1,6x1000mm (73651) nikel
Product Name: Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 80 M 1,6x1000mm (73651) nikel
SKU: UTP A 80 M 1,6x1000-73651
Availability: To order
Product Price: 96,71 € without TAX
116,05 € incl. tax
Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 80 M 2,0x1000mm (74642) nikel

Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 80 M 2,0x1000mm (74642) nikel

This product is currently not available.
Usually ships in: To order
96,71 € without TAX
116,05 € incl. tax
Variant product
Available in 3 variants
Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 80 M 2,0x1000mm (74642) nikelDrôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 80 M 2,0x1000mm (74642) nikel
Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 80 M 2,0x1000mm (74642) nikel
Product Name: Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 80 M 2,0x1000mm (74642) nikel
SKU: UTP A 80 M 2,0x1000-74642
Availability: To order
Product Price: 96,71 € without TAX
116,05 € incl. tax
Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 80 M 1,6x1000mm (73651) nikelDrôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 80 M 1,6x1000mm (73651) nikel
Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 80 M 1,6x1000mm (73651) nikel
Product Name: Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 80 M 1,6x1000mm (73651) nikel
SKU: UTP A 80 M 1,6x1000-73651
Availability: To order
Product Price: 96,71 € without TAX
116,05 € incl. tax
Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 80 M 2,4x1000mm (73290) nikel

Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 80 M 2,4x1000mm (73290) nikel

This product is currently not available.
Usually ships in: To order
96,71 € without TAX
116,05 € incl. tax
Variant product
Available in 5 variants
Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit 625 1,2x1000mm/5kgDrôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit 625 1,2x1000mm/5kg
Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit 625 1,2x1000mm/5kg
Product Name: Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit 625 1,2x1000mm/5kg
SKU: Thermanit 625-1,2x1000
Availability: To order
Product Price: 0,00 €
0,00 €
TIG wire BOHLER Thermanit 625 1.6x1000mm/5kg (83717)Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit 625 1,6x1000mm/5kg (83717)
TIG wire BOHLER Thermanit 625 1.6x1000mm/5kg (83717)
Product Name: TIG wire BOHLER Thermanit 625 1.6x1000mm/5kg (83717)
SKU: Thermanit 625 1,6x1000/5-83717
Availability: To order
Product Price: 126,84 € without TAX
152,21 € incl. tax
TIG wire BOHLER Thermanit 625 2.0x1000mm/5kg (80432)Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit 625 2,0x1000mm/5kg (80432)
TIG wire BOHLER Thermanit 625 2.0x1000mm/5kg (80432)
Product Name: TIG wire BOHLER Thermanit 625 2.0x1000mm/5kg (80432)
SKU: Thermanit 625 2,0x1000/5-80432
Availability: To order
Product Price: 133,90 € without TAX
160,68 € incl. tax
Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit 625 3,2x1000mm/5kg (80534)Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit 625 3,2x1000mm/5kkg (80534)
Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit 625 3,2x1000mm/5kg (80534)
Product Name: Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit 625 3,2x1000mm/5kg (80534)
SKU: Thermanit 625 3,2x1000/5-80534
Availability: To order
Product Price: 129,50 € without TAX
155,40 € incl. tax
TIG wire BOHLER Thermanit 625 2.4x1000mm/5kg (80407)

TIG wire BOHLER Thermanit 625 2.4x1000mm/5kg (80407)

This product is currently not available.
Usually ships in: To order
129,50 € without TAX
155,40 € incl. tax
Variant product
Available in 5 variants
Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit 625 1,2x1000mm/5kgDrôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit 625 1,2x1000mm/5kg
Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit 625 1,2x1000mm/5kg
Product Name: Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit 625 1,2x1000mm/5kg
SKU: Thermanit 625-1,2x1000
Availability: To order
Product Price: 0,00 €
0,00 €
TIG wire BOHLER Thermanit 625 1.6x1000mm/5kg (83717)Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit 625 1,6x1000mm/5kg (83717)
TIG wire BOHLER Thermanit 625 1.6x1000mm/5kg (83717)
Product Name: TIG wire BOHLER Thermanit 625 1.6x1000mm/5kg (83717)
SKU: Thermanit 625 1,6x1000/5-83717
Availability: To order
Product Price: 126,84 € without TAX
152,21 € incl. tax
TIG wire BOHLER Thermanit 625 2.4x1000mm/5kg (80407)Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit 625 2,4x1000mm/5kg (80407)
TIG wire BOHLER Thermanit 625 2.4x1000mm/5kg (80407)
Product Name: TIG wire BOHLER Thermanit 625 2.4x1000mm/5kg (80407)
SKU: Thermanit 625 2,4x1000/5-80407
Availability: To order
Product Price: 129,50 € without TAX
155,40 € incl. tax
Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit 625 3,2x1000mm/5kg (80534)Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit 625 3,2x1000mm/5kkg (80534)
Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit 625 3,2x1000mm/5kg (80534)
Product Name: Drôt TIG BOHLER Thermanit 625 3,2x1000mm/5kg (80534)
SKU: Thermanit 625 3,2x1000/5-80534
Availability: To order
Product Price: 129,50 € without TAX
155,40 € incl. tax
TIG wire BOHLER Thermanit 625 2.0x1000mm/5kg (80432)

TIG wire BOHLER Thermanit 625 2.0x1000mm/5kg (80432)

This product is currently not available.
Usually ships in: To order
133,90 € without TAX
160,68 € incl. tax
Variant product
Available in 3 variants
Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 6222Mo 2,4x1000mmDrôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 6222Mo 2,4x1000mm
Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 6222Mo 2,4x1000mm
Product Name: Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 6222Mo 2,4x1000mm
SKU: UTP A 6222Mo 2,4x1000
Availability: To order
Product Price: 105,55 € without TAX
126,66 € incl. tax
Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 6222Mo 2,0x1000mmDrôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 6222Mo 2,0x1000mm
Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 6222Mo 2,0x1000mm
Product Name: Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 6222Mo 2,0x1000mm
SKU: UTP A 6222Mo 2,0x1000
Availability: To order
Product Price: 108,56 € without TAX
130,27 € incl. tax
Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 6222Mo 3,2x1000mm

Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 6222Mo 3,2x1000mm

This product is currently not available.
Usually ships in: To order
103,80 € without TAX
124,56 € incl. tax
Variant product
Available in 3 variants
Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 6222Mo 2,4x1000mmDrôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 6222Mo 2,4x1000mm
Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 6222Mo 2,4x1000mm
Product Name: Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 6222Mo 2,4x1000mm
SKU: UTP A 6222Mo 2,4x1000
Availability: To order
Product Price: 105,55 € without TAX
126,66 € incl. tax
Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 6222Mo 3,2x1000mmDrôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 6222Mo 3,2x1000mm
Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 6222Mo 3,2x1000mm
Product Name: Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 6222Mo 3,2x1000mm
SKU: UTP A 6222Mo 3,2x1000
Availability: To order
Product Price: 103,80 € without TAX
124,56 € incl. tax
Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 6222Mo 2,0x1000mm

Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 6222Mo 2,0x1000mm

This product is currently not available.
Usually ships in: To order
108,56 € without TAX
130,27 € incl. tax
Variant product
Available in 3 variants
Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 6222Mo 2,0x1000mmDrôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 6222Mo 2,0x1000mm
Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 6222Mo 2,0x1000mm
Product Name: Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 6222Mo 2,0x1000mm
SKU: UTP A 6222Mo 2,0x1000
Availability: To order
Product Price: 108,56 € without TAX
130,27 € incl. tax
Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 6222Mo 3,2x1000mmDrôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 6222Mo 3,2x1000mm
Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 6222Mo 3,2x1000mm
Product Name: Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 6222Mo 3,2x1000mm
SKU: UTP A 6222Mo 3,2x1000
Availability: To order
Product Price: 103,80 € without TAX
124,56 € incl. tax
Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 6222Mo 2,4x1000mm

Drôt TIG BOHLER UTP A 6222Mo 2,4x1000mm

This product is currently not available.
Usually ships in: To order
105,55 € without TAX
126,66 € incl. tax